Anna & Emma

Hello! This blog is maintained by Amanda Harris.It is mostly devoted to my twin daughters, Anna and Emma, but I try to put some non-twin info from time to time.

Monday, July 18, 2005


Women have different feelings about breast feeding. It isn't for everyone. I always knew that I wanted to do it, or at least to try, since I had heard it can be incredibly difficult. "Breast is the best" is what they say. Then when I found out I was having twins, I was disapointed at the prospect that it might not work out, but I knew I had to give it a try. It was incredibly difficult in the beginning, but we overcame the obstacles and I have been nursing the twins for eleven months now.

Brandon and I are going on a short trip next week and I have battled with the decision on whether or not to wean the babies all week. We haven't nursed since Friday and I'm in tears just thinking about it. I never thought that I would be so emotional over it, but nursing creates a very special bond and I am missing it terribly.

Ok, enough blubbering. For anyone who is interested in breastfeeding, here is the link to La Leche League for more information.


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