Anna & Emma

Hello! This blog is maintained by Amanda Harris.It is mostly devoted to my twin daughters, Anna and Emma, but I try to put some non-twin info from time to time.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Anna Eating a Rib

I got home a little late from work today. The babies had already eaten, so I just went and picked me and Brandon up some ribs. Anna and Emma kept getting on my lap and picking off of my plate. Those of you with kids know - they never want to eat anything as badly as they want to eat what you have. Anna picked up one of my ribs and was helping herself when Brandon took this picture. Thank goodness for photo editors, or you would see me with BBQ sauce on my face!


At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just wanted to tell you how adorable your girls are!!!! isn't true about the food!!!! my 4 year old still does it even if we are eating the same exact thing!!! :) so i usually have three eating out of my plate. lol

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how she is just grubbin' on that rib.


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