Anna & Emma

Hello! This blog is maintained by Amanda Harris.It is mostly devoted to my twin daughters, Anna and Emma, but I try to put some non-twin info from time to time.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Bad Blogging Mommy!!

Goodness, it has been almost a month since I've made an entry! I'm terrible. I'm leaving my job next week and will be in a new office and am very nervous/excited about that. My birthday was yesterday and Brandon couldn't have been more thoughtful! The gifts he got me and everything he did was so sweet! I was very surprised.

Here's a picture of the twins I thought was cute.

They are doing good. A couple weeks ago Emma burned her little hands. We have an electric stove and they often play in the drawer under the oven (where the broiler would be on a gas stove). I didn't realize but that gets hot when the oven is on. She's fine now. Its all scabbed over and healing really good is what the doctor said. I'm positive that it hurt me and her Daddy worse than it hurt her. Now we have a giant baby gate blocking the kitchen. I can barely get in and out!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Christmas Pics

Ok, folks...I've finally gotten around to posting some Christmas pictures. Click on the picture for a bigger version.

These pictures were taken at their Nanna and Poppa's house. Anna has a Santa hat on. We couldn't get Emma to wear it for more than half a second so we don't have a picture of her with it on. Next is Anna in the wrapping paper and then a picture of little girls trying to open a present.

Christmas morning they opened presents at home. I didn't get any good pictures of them ripping paper, because they didn't.

Finally, on Christmas Day in the evening we went to Great Grammy and Great Grandpa's house. We opened presents and played games. The babies had lots of fun, but got kinda grumpy towards the end. I didn't mind though since we kept them out way past their bedtime. I was actually surprised that they weren't more grumpy! They got these little couches from Grammy and really love them. They got Cabbage Patch dolls from Grandpa Vic. I was very excited about those!