Anna & Emma

Hello! This blog is maintained by Amanda Harris.It is mostly devoted to my twin daughters, Anna and Emma, but I try to put some non-twin info from time to time.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bonus at the Hospital

We saw the orthopedic surgeon Friday morning. He said that when the bone broke, it rotated a little. She would have to be put under a general anesthesia so that it could be rotated back into place and some pins put in. However, she had already had breakfast, so they couldn't do it until she hadn't had anything to eat or drink for 6 hours. Talk about a cranky 2 year old!!! They finally got to her at about 4:30. Everything went well.

That night after we got home she kept vomiting. Saturday morning she kept vomiting. We really weren't sure what the problem was until Saturday night when Emma started vomiting too. My guess is that Anna picked up a stomach virus either when we were at the ER on Thursday or at the hospital for day surgery on Friday. I swear these have been the longest 4 days of my life!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas and a Broken Arm

We had a great Christmas. We celebrated at our Grandparents' house on Christmas Eve and at the babies' Nanna and Poppa's house on Christmas day. They got way too many toys, but they love them all.

"Giddy-Up, horsey."

The big news today is Anna broke her arm. I was on my way to work when my phone rang and Brandon said to come home. It's her right humerus. She fell off of her little chair in her bedroom. Her arm was swollen. They put a splint on it and she has an appointment with the bone doctor tomorrow. She was very brave.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Santa Photos

As soon as I think I know these kids, they pull a switcherooni on me. We took them to see Santa a few days ago. Emma sat on Santa's lap and just talked to him like she had known him her whole life. Anna on the other hand, screamed and cried. This is the exact opposite of what I was expecting.

Here's Anna making a fast getaway.

It may have just sounded like baby talk to the untrained ear, but Santa knew what she was asking for.

We're back in the car, but she's still traumatized.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Tree Antics

Wow. Its been a long time since I posted. Work has been really busy lately, which for those of you who are self-employed know, is definitely a good thing.

I got this picture of Anna (L) and Emma (R) standing in front of the Christmas tree. I opted to leave off the decorations which seems to have been a good decision. They both really like the tree. Anna more than Emma, but they both like it. I'm a little embarrassed to say what they like to do to the tree. I'm not really sure where they got it from, but they like to back up to the Christmas tree and rub their butts on it. They are so weird!! They smile and giggle, so I guess it tickles. Who knows with these crazy kids! Anna also keeps taking her little red toy frying pan and sticking it in the tree.