Anna & Emma

Hello! This blog is maintained by Amanda Harris.It is mostly devoted to my twin daughters, Anna and Emma, but I try to put some non-twin info from time to time.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bonus at the Hospital

We saw the orthopedic surgeon Friday morning. He said that when the bone broke, it rotated a little. She would have to be put under a general anesthesia so that it could be rotated back into place and some pins put in. However, she had already had breakfast, so they couldn't do it until she hadn't had anything to eat or drink for 6 hours. Talk about a cranky 2 year old!!! They finally got to her at about 4:30. Everything went well.

That night after we got home she kept vomiting. Saturday morning she kept vomiting. We really weren't sure what the problem was until Saturday night when Emma started vomiting too. My guess is that Anna picked up a stomach virus either when we were at the ER on Thursday or at the hospital for day surgery on Friday. I swear these have been the longest 4 days of my life!


At 5:27 AM, Blogger Mommy said...

OH hunny, thats one thing about having little ones together one gets it and the ALL get it!
Hope her arm gets better that is horrible!

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Heather Noel said...

I'm glad the surgery went okay. I hope her arm heels quickly. I hope she's not too miserable in the cast. Happy New Year year.

At 4:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate hearing about kids suffer! Hope all is better now and the arm is healing.

Wild about Doll Houses

At 6:51 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

I hope you are all feeling better by now. You're in our prayers :)


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