Anna & Emma

Hello! This blog is maintained by Amanda Harris.It is mostly devoted to my twin daughters, Anna and Emma, but I try to put some non-twin info from time to time.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Donating Baby Stuff

I took a bunch of baby stuff to the Salvation Army this morning. It was a bunch of barely worn clothes and their infant car seats. I had mixed emotions about it. Part of me felt that I could keep it since we know that we want more children. Another part felt that I should sell it all and use the money to buy more baby stuff. Especially since it is all in really great condition. Then I felt guilty for being so selfish. Those people on the coast definately need those things more than we do. And of course I feel sad because it means that my babies are growing up. Brandon is thrilled. He has wanted it gone since they out grew it.

Last night when I was loading it in the car I tripped over one of the car seats and fell in the driveway. Hit my head on the pavement and now I have a nice bump on my forehead. I'll live though.

As for Anna and Emma, they had their one year old check up on Friday. They got shots and the doctor said they are doing good. They aren't walking yet, but they are thinking about it. They wave and kiss. It is so cute. Anna has 6 teeth now and Emma still has 4.


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