Anna & Emma

Hello! This blog is maintained by Amanda Harris.It is mostly devoted to my twin daughters, Anna and Emma, but I try to put some non-twin info from time to time.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hair Twirler and Cloth Toucher

Both of my girls suck their thumbs. The left thumb, that is. It started when they were about three or four months old. They would actually take their pacifiers out in favor of the thumb.

While they both suck their left thumb, they each have their own unique style of thumb sucking. Anna is the cloth toucher. She loves to have a piece of cloth (usually a blanket) right up next to her face when she is sucking her thumb. However she is not partial to her blanket, any cloth will do. Lately, if she is sleepy and wants to suck her thumb, she will grab a baby sock and hold it close to her face. We see her crawling all over the house with one or more socks in her little hands. Its very funny.

Emma on the other hand, is a hair twirler. When she wants to comfort herself, she will suck her thumb and twirl hair. She prefers other people's hair, but will twirl her own if she has to. It is funny to watch her and her Daddy because she will push his face to the side so that she can reach his hair. She has recently realized that Anna's hair is good for twirling too. Last night they were both pulled up to the toy box, then Emma grabs Anna's shoulder with one hand and starts twirling her hair with the other. Anna wasn't too thrilled about this since Emma had most of her weight on her. This morning, I heard a baby yelling and I went into their room. I found that Emma had Anna trapped against the railing of the baby bed, twirling her hair.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Anna Marie

I thought this picture of Anna was so cute! I took it a couple of nights ago. They have just realized that the lid to their toy box opens and that there are a ton of toys inside.

I was so glad to get home today. I had a bad day and even managed to lose my phone. Hopefully it will turn up. Maybe the weekend won't go by too quickly because the next couple of weeks are going to be so busy for me.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mommy and the Twins

Brandon took this picture earlier in the month, but I just got it off of the camera. I can't remember where we were going, but I know we were going somewhere because Anna (l) and Emma (r) have clothes on. :)

Today was a rough day at work. We do all of our new client interviews on Tuesdays. I was so excited to get home to the girls. Me and another one of the attorneys at the office are going to a training class at my old law school tomorrow. It will be neat. I haven't been there since I graduated and I was pregnant with the babies.

Monday, October 24, 2005

My "New" Blog

Okay, folks. I am fed up with ModBlog. I am moving Anna and Emma's blog over here. The next few days I will be trying to recreate most of my posts from the old blog.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Amanda Harris. I'm 26 and married to Brandon. I am a legal aid attorney and Brandon is a stay-at-home dad to our 14 month old twin daughters, Anna and Emma. This blog will mostly be devoted to them, though I try to include some non-twin info from time to time.