Anna & Emma

Hello! This blog is maintained by Amanda Harris.It is mostly devoted to my twin daughters, Anna and Emma, but I try to put some non-twin info from time to time.

Monday, November 28, 2005

November 2005

I can't believe the month is almost over! We all had a really great Thanksgiving. The babies had lots of turkey and ham. We got lots of video of them eating, but no stills. Brandon thinks that he can catch a few frames of them eating when he rips the video, so we'll see. I did get these really cute pics of them in their rocking chairs though.

Anna (left), Emma (right)

Anna is walking more and more everyday. They are both trying to use their spoons when they eat. They are getting so big so fast!

Since I didn't have a blog this time last year, I thought I would take a second to show you what Anna and Emma looked like this time last year. I hope you are ready for some stinkin' cute babies!

Emma (left), Anna (right)

It makes me want to cry! It also reminds me that we desperately need to get their pictures made again.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Baby Hats

I was at Target yesterday and thought I would look for the twins' some hats and gloves since it is finally starting to get cold here. I saw some knit hats at the front of the store for adults for less than two dollars each. Then I go to the toddlers clothes department to look for some for the babies. I find some really cute hats with matching gloves. How much did they cost? $9.99 for the set!! I don't get it.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Twins Update

Emma is walking like crazy. She can walk all the way across a room and even turn corners. Anna will take a few steps at a time, so it won't be long for her. We have been practicing teaching them a few body parts. Well, face parts, really. If you ask Anna where your nose is she will point to it and Emma knows eye.

Emma has been giving kisses for a while now and Anna just started. It is so sweet! Every night when we put them to bed, we give them kisses, Brandon and I will give each other kisses and then we try to get Anna and Emma to give each other kisses. "Kissy Sissy!" They usually just lean their foreheads in towards each other. I can't wait until they actually give each other a big sugar!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I know what some of you are thinking. "Where are the Halloween pics of the girls?" The short answer: There aren't any.

The long answer: I made several (no less than 5, actually) trips to stores trying to find the girls some Halloween costumes and ended up with nothing. First they were too small. Then they were two different sizes. Then they were too big. I gave up. I thought that they could just wear their Eagle's cheerleader dresses, but Brandon wanted them to have costumes. It ended up being pretty cold out, so we all just stayed in.